Sunday Family Outing

The Lowes and Wilsons enjoyed a nice afternoon swim. It was the first time the boys went for a swim and they seem to have enjoyed it. It was a bit chilly at first, but we got them moving around and soon they were kicking and splashing.

Sebastian with Chris, Lucas with Analia

Happy Halloween

Here are the boys in some Halloween themed outfits. Lucas on the left, Sebi on the right.

Then things deteriorated and Sebi thought Lucas’s bib looked appetizing.

And finally they got dressed in their real costumes. We dressed as a hippy family.


You can’t deny that these are some happy boys.

Oldies but Goodies

The following pictures aren’t new, they were taken with Catina’s camera. They are like 6-8 weeks old but still some of my favorite.



Sebastian-left and Lucas-right


Abuelitos Fernandez’s Road Trip

After 2 days on the road coming from Maryland and a night in a sleazy Motor Inn, Nelson and Loreto made it to Halifax on a gorgeous sunny Sunday. They spent a week getting to know Sebastian and Lucas and helping us out. Nelson quickly became the baby whisperer with his patience to put babies to sleep and Loreto took a double role as director of hygiene and ‘sacando chanchito’ (Chilean for burping the pig). Analia appreciated having a high energy companion throughout the day to keep her company (Loreto), and Nelson kept up with the 2 of them pretty well!
Additions to the glossary of terms contributed by Nelson and Loreto:

  • the boys like to chill out in their ‘Tan Tan‘ = swings
  • Pavarotti = a nickname used for whichever one was crying at the moment
  • anti tsunami towel = receiving blankets for wiping reflux
  • brazitis = spanish for ‘arm-itis’ a condition describing the desire to be held upon sight of 2 arms

Most importantly, the lesson bestowed up the boys by Abuelo Nelson and Abuela Loreto when fussing or crying was that ‘la vida es dura‘ (‘life is difficult’)!

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A Thursday evening

Here are the boys waiting around for dad to get his haircut. Of course, Sebi is sleeping and Lucas is on the edge.

Catina’s visit

After 6 very fast weeks, Catina has moved on with her travels (back to DC and off to San Diego). Another visitor gone, mami is alone with the boys, and the house is very quiet. The boys had a wonderful time with Catina. There was never a dull moment with Catina’s wonderful imagination and energy. The boys were constantly entertained with her hilarious songs, stories, dances and costume changes. But Chris and I will often send a shout out to Catina reminding the boys “Happy thoughts Happy thoughts, Peter Pan Peter Pan” or bringing out the clan of Ernestina, Pepe, and Ono el Mono. She had a way of bringing peace to the house during nap times and is basically a baby whisperer when it comes to getting them asleep. They miss her very much! And now they have no one around to leave their hicky imprints on. They will anxiously be awaiting to see her and the Gonzalez-Amonte family in Uruguay this coming December. Gracias Catina por todo! Nos vemos pronto. Un beso enorme de los Lowe-Gonzalez.

Who am I?


Taken this morning during breakfast at the Greek Village, this anonymous baby wants to know if you can tell who he is.

Happy Birthday Mami!

The greatest gift I could have received: Both boys had bowel movements! Sebastian’s is especially important! Wahoo! We’ve been waiting for 2 weeks and 2 days. And today of all days, I was blessed with the greatest birthday gift. Amazing! Oh how much my life has changed I realize when I am celebrating 2 hour naps and poops on my 30th birthday.

ps: this blog entry is for obvious reasons void of pictures!!!! You’d probably be frightened.

Look mom, a one baby


Sebi at the Wooden Monkey

Today marks the end of 16 weeks from the boys’ due date, making them 4 months, corrected age, or just over 6 months from birth. This weekend was also Tia Catina’s last weekend here so it was full of fun. The latest development is giggling! Catina got the first giggle out of Sebastian by nibbling at his belly. Sadly I was at work and missed this, but since have been able to get a few laughs out of the little goof balls.

We went to the Fall POMBA sale Saturday morning, then during the rainy afternoon decided to head to Mic Mac Mall to look for highchairs. We had some funny interactions with random folks resulting in these two gems of quotes:

A pair of 7 year old twin boys became enamored with the boys in the line-up at the POMBA sale, and at one point one of them saw a dad walking by with one baby:

“Look mom, a one baby!”

to which the dad replied:

“nope, he’s a two”

At the mall we met a couple with a 2 year old boy, and when they realized we had two the dad said:

“One was hell, two would have killed me.”

We finished off Saturday with an amazing meal at the Wooden Monkey, and the above picture is of Sebi relaxing in the window while his bro sleeps and the rest of us filled our bellies.