About Us

We’re Chris, Analia, Lucas and Sebastian. In September, after returning from a good friends wedding in Paris we discovered that Analia was pregnant. This was very exciting since we had been trying for only a few months to start a family. The pregnancy progressed quite well; better, in fact, than most pregnancies we had read/heard about.

To our surprise, in late January after our maternal serum screening results came back we discovered we were having identical twin boys. We were ecstatic and shocked. As it turns out, identical twins are spontaneous and have nothing to do with family history of twins. The chances of us having twins is roughly 1%.

Then, during a routine ultrasound–in fact to give Analia the go ahead to travel to Washington DC for her baby shower–it was discovered that the boys had developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). TTTS occurs when blood vessels are interconnected and the supply of blood/nutrients becomes unbalanced between the two twin amniotic sacs. Science has yet to figure out the causes of TTTS but we were assured it was nothing we did or didn’t do during the pregnancy. Analia was admitted and two days later a C section was scheduled to deliver the boys. Lucas and Sebastian were born on March 18, 2011 at 12:56 and 12:54 respectively, weighing 2 and 3 pounds.