Meat, Meet & Greet

Nanny and Grampy Lowe graciously hosted a BBQ for friends and family to come and meet the boys. We had a nice turnout and it was a beautiful day.

As always Alfonso manned the grill and provided some amazing meat for guests.


1st Canada Day

We celebrated Canada Day with Alfonso by walking around the city and checking out all the events. It was a long day. He headed out at 2, went through the Commons, Public Gardens, Spring Garden Road and stopped by my office to refuel the boys.

After that we headed to the waterfront and ended up at the Hart & Thistle for some food and beer with friends. The night ended watching fireworks from a friends rooftop patio and we finally got home at 11:30.

A morning with mami!


A fun morning of snuggles, dancing, and seranades. Dave Matthews Band always makes for happy babies and a happy mami.

First day of heat!


Now this is the kind of heat Tata has been waiting for and the kind of heat these latino boys will come to love. They already asked me where the nearest beach is.

Visit from Auntie Jen and Auntie Anne

I have the bestest of girlfriends a lady could have. Auntie Jen and Auntie Anne made the trip up to Halifax for the weekend. It was short but oh so very sweet. The girls fell in love with the boys and in passing gave mami a bit of a break. As soon as they arrived they took over diaper duty, bottle feeds, dressing, swaddling, cuddling, soothing, etc. I basically only had to breastfeed all weekend. They even helped around the house. Wow! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay or even properly say ‘thank you’. Maybe it’ll mean more if said publicly…”Girls, you will never know how much I appreciated your visit. Your company was absolutely necessary for this slightly homesick chicky. It means so much to me and my family everything you sacrificed to come. I miss you guys already and can’t wait to see each other again. You are the best girlfriends a lady could have and some day we’ll all be stroller walking down the Potomac canal together or shopping in Georgetown taking over the sidewalk with our strollers. I love you.”

Father’s day


Happy father’s day to all the dads. Now I understand that this is not an easy job.

Baby hickey


It’s not uncommon for the boys to mistake a finger, nose or even chin for something to suck on, but the other day Sebi was so hungry he tried to suck on Analia’s arm and ended up giving her a hickey. That’s the first I’ve ever heard of a baby hickey.

Tandem feeding, PG

This just makes my heart melt! The boys will often find each others hands and hold them during tandem feeds.


We’re obsessed


Saturday morning snuggles


Mami and her boys