NICU Soldiers

Our little soldiers dressed in their “Hospital Camo.”

Gold stars


We got our very first gold stars today! Me and the boys successfully tandem breastfed (both at same time) for 10 minutes. It was an amazing experience. It really felt like the boys were playing off each others energy because neither had breastfed so well when alone. These two are our little champs, our soldiers, mis princes, corazon de Mami! Los quiero con todo mi corazon y Mami esta tan orgullosa de los dos.

Our new home


This is our new home for the time being. We will likely be moved to a parent room as we get closer to coming home, but we at least have a window now.

Lazy afternoon


After getting up at 6 to shop and volunteer at the POMBA sale this morning we deserved some downtime. Analia went to catch up on the Royal Wedding hoopla while I went to lounge with the boys. They had already started when I got here–basking in the sun on this nice spring day. The afternoon ended with bath time for both boys. Daddy gave Sebastian a bath while Mami gave Lucas a bath for the first time now that the IV is gone!

2nd Graduation


Yay! Yesterday during the day, the boys were moved over to Transitional Care. They are both making such great gains. We expect Lucas to have put on some pounds last night now that he has come off the IV and isn’t receiving any supplemental nutrition to his milk. Lucas holds a special place in yesterdays nurse. I happen to bring my camera in and she was getting Lucas to pose for it. And Sebastian had all of the Transitional Care nurse staff and parents giggling from his adult sounding farts! Oh dear. They both had their cranial ultrasounds and nothing has been reported so no news is good news!

Like mami


We had a nice visit with the boys tonight, good snuggles, some poops and lots of grunts. We did realized; however, that Lucas may resemble mami when sleeping—arms up and mouth open.



The original karate kid

Maxin’ & relaxin’


Sean and Andrea came to meet the boys tonight. Sean was surprised at the amount of hair Sebi has and Andrea thought they’re pretty cute looking like Abuelo Gonzalez. Here’s Lucas… This is what he looks like after some hardwork at breastfeeding. Lucas also has been put to breast for 2 days and he was as much of a champ as his brother Sebastian. We have 2 superstars on our hands!!!!

‘Forward’ not ‘Reply’

Due to my lack of sleep and inattentiveness a perfect stranger has now the latest update on my son’s bowel movements…

Chris and I are on the market for a new kitchen table and chairs for our apartment. I’ve been looking on Kijiji. Earlier today I meant to forward Chris the link to the lady’s table and chairs. Instead, I hit reply. Here’s what my email said…

“What about this set?
I cant figure out if the dimensions of the table are big enough or not. You have a better sense of that.
Let me know what you think and I can respond.
Oh and yesterdays website is
Sebastian is a serious pooping machine. Poor guy. I haven’t seen a diaper that full yet. I kept freaking out at the fact I might get pooped on again. Id go open his diaper and a huge squirt would come out. I definitely went through 3 diapers this change and still managed to get poop on his cords and blanket. Geez. Im guessing Ill be doing A LOT of laundry….LOL

How embarrassing! And when I realized that I had sent her the email I apologized with this email…

“Ooops. Im so sorry I sent that to you. That was meant for my husband. Haha! And Sebastian is my twin son in the NICU. Im so sorry you had to get that email. LOL.
Hope you dont have a weak stomach. You might not be eating dinner tonight.

What was I thinking? I need sleep.

Back to his old self


Little Lucas is making good progress post infection. His antibiotics are done and his feeds are increasing. He was quite alert and quite cute this morning when I saw him before work.